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However, there are several challenges to use scientific applications on the shared memory pool directly such as scalability, failure-atomicity, and lack of scientific metadata-based search and query. Recently, a high-speed network such as Gen-Z utilizing persistent memory (PM) offers an opportunity to create a shared memory pool connected to compute nodes. Shared memory pools provide a chance to satisfy such needs. Scientific applications often require high-bandwidth shared storage to perform joint simulations and collaborative data analytics. Experimental case studies show that our approach surpasses the above-mentioned out-of-TSDBMS competitors in terms of performance since it assumes that sensor data are mined inside a TSDBMS at no significant overhead costs.

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This approach is implemented as a PostgreSQL extension that allows an application programmer both to compute matrix profiles and mining primitives and to represent them as relational tables. A Matrix Profile is a data structure that annotates a time series through the index of and the distance to the nearest neighbor of each subsequence of the time series and serves as a basis to discover motifs, anomalies, and other time-series data mining primitives. We propose an approach to managing and mining sensor data inside RDBMSs that exploits the Matrix Profile concept. This leads to the use of third-party mining systems and unwanted overhead costs due to exporting data outside a TSDBMS, data conversion, and so on. Our overview shows that, at present, TSDBMSs offer a modest built-in toolset to mine big sensor data. We overview InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, and TimescaleDB, which are among the most popular state-of-the-art TSDBMSs, and represent different categories of such systems, namely native, add-ons over NoSQL systems, and add-ons over relational DBMSs (RDBMSs), respectively. In the article, we consider the problem of choosing a Time Series Database Management System (TSDBMS) to provide efficient storing and mining of big sensor data.

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The data collected from the sensors are subject to mining in order to make strategic decisions. In such subject domains, sensors tend to have a high frequency and produce massive time series in a relatively short time interval. Currently, big sensor data arise in a wide spectrum of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, and Smart City applications.

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